Our Approach
Mitsui Kinzoku Group is strengthening its response to risks related to business that could threaten the continuation of its operations and corporate survival. In order to identify risks and eliminate or minimize their impact, we are working to improve the Group's risk management and operate it effectively.
Risk management system
Mitsui Kinzoku Group has built its risk management system based on its Risk Management Rules. We have appointed the Managing Director in charge of the General Affairs Department as the person with the highest responsibility for risk management. We have also designated a department in charge of risk and crisis management at the Head Office to serve as the Secretariat and identified departments in charge of each risk category, under which relevant units and sites are positioned.
Our Risk Management Rules define risks that we need to respond to. We manage our risk control status through yearly PDCA activities implemented over a three-year operation cycle aligned with the periods of the Mid-term Plan.
More specifically, we conduct a triennial risk survey for all sites and review and evaluate risks to create a risk map and plan countermeasures. Every year, we implement the countermeasures and review their progress and then update the risk map based on the current status. The effect of these activities and management systems are reviewed once a year and as needed by the Board of Directors.
Emergency response
To protect assets and make efforts for early recovery and business continuity while placing the highest priority on saving lives, Mitsui Kinzoku Group has set out Basic Policy for Emergency Response. Moreover, we have built a system for possible emergencies and conduct business continuity management (BCM), under which we implement the PDCA cycle each fiscal year.
Each sector creates business continuity manuals, including an incident management plan (IMP) for incident response and business continuity plan (BCP) for supply continuity and resumption of production. In the event of an emergency, we will take appropriate measures based on the business continuity manuals to prevent the situation from spreading and causing secondary accidents. To make these plans more effective, we roll out simulation training to our major sites in a phased manner.
The scenario-based disaster drill in Hachinohe Smelting Co., Ltd.