Our Approach
Mitsui Kinzoku Group approaches human rights issues based on our Human Rights Policy established in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We identify the prioritized stakeholders who could potentially be affected in our businesses and supply chain and major human rights risks. We define our approach to the major risks as our Human Rights Standards.
Human Rights Policy of Mitsui Kinzoku Group
Providing society with useful materials by refining underground resources into nonferrous metals: this is the starting point of Mitsui Kinzoku Group. Throughout the businesses, however, there is the potential for a major impact on the environment and on local residents. The Mitsui Kinzoku Group is determined to respect the human rights of all those who are affected by our business activities and to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society through the use of our knowledge and technology as well as valuable commodities.
[Basic Principle and Position of the Policy]
Mitsui Kinzoku Group has established the Human Rights Policy (“the Policy”), considering the International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenants on Human Rights), Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (International Labor Organization; ILO), and United Nations Global Compact. Based on this Policy, the Group is taking steps to respect human rights. The Policy also declares our efforts to respect human rights based on Mitsui Kinzoku’s Management Philosophy, Corporate Slogan and Code of Conduct, and complements Mitsui Kinzoku Group’s Basic CSR Policies.
[Scope of Application]
This Policy applies to all our business offices, plants, laboratories and subsidiaries worldwide. In addition, we will encourage business partners, including suppliers and sales partners, to support human rights and prevent infringements of rights, and cooperatively promote respect for human rights.
[Responsibility for Respecting Human Rights]
We will fulfill our responsibility for respecting human rights by preventing infringements of human rights and addressing any adverse impacts on human rights caused by our business activities, In the case where a business partner, such as a supplier or a sales partner, has had adverse impacts on human rights, we will encourage them not to infringe upon human rights.
[Dialogue and Consultation with Stakeholders]
In terms of human rights issues related to business activities, we will make use of independent external expertise and hold a dialogue and consultation with the involved stakeholders.
[Human Rights Due Diligence]
To fulfill our responsibility for respecting human rights, we will establish a framework of human rights due diligence and implement it on an ongoing basis. Human rights due diligence is a continuous process conducted to preliminarily identify any adverse impact on human rights in society that could potentially be caused by our company, and then to mitigate or prevent it.
Should it be revealed that we were involved, directly or indirectly, in any action with adverse impacts on human rights, we will work on correcting it through appropriate procedures.
[Information Disclosure and Education]
We will release reports on our human rights initiatives based on the Policy on Mitsui Kinzoku Group’s website, CSR report, and other means. In addition, we will provide appropriate education to ensure the effectiveness of the Policy.
Mitsui Kinzoku Group Human Rights Standards
Mitsui Kinzoku Group Human Rights Standards
Mitsui Kinzoku Group conducts human rights due diligence and approaches human rights issues following internationally recognized guidelines and the ICMM Principles, with particular reference to the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct.
Mitsui Kinzoku Group recognizes that there are human rights risks in our businesses and supply chain, particularly mining-specific human rights risks and human rights risks in the mineral supply chain. We identify workersⅰ of our own sitesⅱ, workers of our business partners including suppliers, and residents of local communities as the prioritized stakeholders who could potentially be affected in our businesses and supply chain. We also identify major risks through risk assessment conducted in relation to labor, health and safety, the environment, and ethics, and define our approach to the major risks as our “Human Rights Standards.”
- Management System
We establish and maintain a human rights management system.
- The management system includes regular trainings for promoting understanding and raising awareness of the human rights policy and human rights across the entire group, and keeping appropriate records of human rights matters.
- Freely Chosen Employment
We do not use forced labor.
- Workers retain and manage their own legal documents including passports, other government-issued identification documents, and travel documents, and are not required to hand over the original documents.
- Workers are not required to pay any type of fees or bonds in relation to employment.
- Employment agreements are executed in the native language of workers or in a language that workers can understand, and no unfair changes are made.
- Prohibition against Child Labor and Protection of Young Workers
We do not use child labor.
We protect the rights of young workers and student workers, and manage them appropriately in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
- We strictly check the age of workers using documents issued by official organizations. We do not employ workers who have not reached the highest age of either 15 years, the legal minimum age for employment, or the age for completing compulsory education in that country.
- We do not require young workers under the age of 18 to perform work that is likely to jeopardize their health or safety, including night shifts and overtime.
- Working Hours
With regard to working hours and day off, we comply with applicable local laws and support international guidelines.
- Wages and Benefits
With regard to wages and benefits, we comply with applicable local laws and support international guidelines.
- We manage the wages paid to workers so that they never fall below the minimum wages.
- With regard to overtime work, we pay workers at legal pay rates greater than regular hourly rates.
- We do not reduce wages illegally or unjustly as a disciplinary measure.
- Humane Treatment
We prohibit the inhumane treatment, including any type of abuse or harassment.
- We prohibit any type of harassment such as sexual harassmentⅲ, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, and verbal abuse.
- We take appropriate measures against harassers/abusers and against those who make false accusations.
- Non-Discrimination
We prohibit unlawful discrimination.
- We do not engage in discrimination based on race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ethnicity or national origin, disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, union membership, covered veteran status, protected genetic information, or marital status in hiring and employment practices such as application for employment, wages, benefits, promotions, rewards, job assignments, discipline, termination and access to training.
- We provide workers with reasonable accommodation for religious practices.
- Except when specified by laws and regulations or to ensure individual safety or workplace safety, workers do not be subjected to pregnancy testing or other medical testing (such as for type B hepatitis or HIV), and the test results do not be used in a discriminatory way.
- Freedom of Association
With regard to freedom of association and collective bargaining, we comply with applicable local laws and regulations and support global standards.
- We respect the right to form or participate in organizations such as labor unions and worker committees.
- Workers and/or their representatives shall be able to openly communicate and share ideas and concerns with management regarding working conditions and management practices without fear of interference, discrimination, reprisal, intimidation or harassment.
- Protection of Identity and Non-Retaliation
We maintain a grievance mechanism enabling internal and external stakeholders to raise any concerns they may have.
- We ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of whistleblowers.
- We maintain a process that ensures whistleblowers are able to raise any concerns they may have without fear of retaliation.
- Suppliers ⅳ
At each of our sites, we select suppliers in accordance with the Mitsui Kinzoku Group Procurement Policy and conduct supplier due diligence on a continual basis.
- Local Communities
We respect the human rights, interests, cultures, customs, and values of local communities including indigenous people, affected by our businesses.
ⅰ All personnel working in our facilities or offices, regardless of their employment type
ⅱ All sites including our own mine
ⅲ Giving disadvantage in the working condition of a worker by reason of the worker’s responses to verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature or harming the working environment of the worker by such conducts
ⅳ Including third-party employment agencies
Management System
The Chairperson of Mitsui Kinzoku CSR Committee is appointed as chief person responsible for our human rights initiatives. The Human Rights Committee plays a central role in conducting the PDCA cycle for the implementation of our Human Rights Policy. Each head takes responsibility for implementing the policy and conducting human rights due diligence at his/her site or group company.

Human Rights Due Diligence
Mitsui Kinzoku Group conducts human rights due diligence on the following items in line with our Human Rights Standards which identifies the prioritized stakeholders who could potentially be affected in our businesses and supply chain and major human rights risks.
Summary of due diligence
Mitsui Kinzoku Group provides human rights training for our employees to ensure that they are fully aware of our Human Rights Policy and to raise their understanding and awareness of human rights issues.
Performance in FY2022 (ESG data)
UK Modern Slavery Act 2015
Mitsui Kinzoku Group has issued Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement in accordance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.
FY 2023
Mitsui Kinzoku Group Statement on UK Modern Slavery Act for financial year ended March 2024 [PDF:218KB]
FY 2022
Mitsui Kinzoku Group Statement on UK Modern Slavery Act for financial year ended March 2023 [PDF:172KB]
FY 2021
Mitsui Kinzoku Group Statement on UK Modern Slavery Act for financial year ended March 2022 [PDF:172KB]
FY 2020
Mitsui Kinzoku Group Statement on UK Modern Slavery Act for financial year ended March 2021 [PDF:173KB]
FY 2019
Mitsui Kinzoku Group Statement on UK Modern Slavery Act for financial year ended March 2020 [PDF:175KB]
FY 2018
Mitsui Kinzoku Group Statement on UK Modern Slavery Act for financial year ended March 2019 [PDF:425KB]
Labor Relations
Mitsui Kinzoku Group respects freedom of association and collective bargaining. A labor-management council and a labor-management round-table conference are regularly held to communicate with employees. More information related to labor relations are available in our Integrated Report.
Integrated Report Respect for Human Rights [PDF:155KB]
Grievance Mechanism
We have established a whistle-blowing system for both internal and external stakeholders. The system covers concerns about social risks, including but not limited to human rights, and environmental risks, as well as any violations of laws and regulations, including but not limited to unfair competition and bribery/corruption, in business activities and the workplace.
Mitsui Kinzoku Group receives internal reports and consultations through the Mitsui Kinzoku Hotline (MHL) *.
For external stakeholders, we have set up and disseminated “Compliance Consultation Desk” specialized for compliance and “Environmental and Social Risks Consultation Desk” on our website.
In order to thoroughly protect the whistleblower, the system ensures anonymity and strictly prohibits any disadvantageous treatment of the whistleblower. The details of the reports made via the whistle-blowing system are shared promptly with the Corporate Auditors. The Board of Directors also receives the details of reports on a regular basis.
* We have Mitsui Kinzoku Hotline (MHL) for all officers and employees of the Group as an internal contact point and a third-party contact point (a law firm). We also have a Chinese-language hotline for our sites in China as a contact point at a Chinese law firm.
Environmental and Social Risks Consultation Desk
Details of the grievance mechanism are provided in the Integrated Report.
Integrated Report "Compliance”
Mitsui Kinzoku Internal and external whistle-blowing system