Our Approach
Mitsui Kinzoku Group recognizes intellectual property (IP) as an important management resource. Based on the Basic Intellectual Property Policy, we implement intellectual property strategies in an effort to maximize our corporate value.
Basic Intellectual Property Policy
- We acquire and protect the IP rights for every new product and technology resulting from implemented collaborative business and R&D strategies, in order to gain an advantage for existing businesses and seek to create new businesses.
- We comply with laws and regulations pertaining to IP rights.
- We respect the IP rights of third parties and take appropriate measures for such rights.
- We work to prevent lawsuits related to IP rights by ensuring the early detection of relevant risks and responding quickly to risks detected. Also, we will take appropriate action to address identified infringements on our IP rights.
- We build appropriate management structures to implement IP strategies and recruit and develop personnel to specialize in operations related to IP.
- We work to instill respect for IP throughout the company and establish this mindset as part of our corporate culture.
Revised in April 2022
Management Structure
The Intellectual Property Department plays a central role in managing IP in the Group. The department shares information on activities related to IP with the director in charge on a regular basis.
The Intellectual Property Department was placed directly under the Technology Sector, which was newly established in April 2023 (see the figure below). The reorganization aims to create synergies for the realization of integrated thinking-based management, by collaboration of four technical divisions; Production Engineering Department, Quality Assurance Department, Environment & Safety Department, and Intellectual Property Department.
Through the reorganization, we strive to improve the technology infrastructure and develop relevant personnel for maximizing the effect of promoting GX and DX initiatives, while continuing to provide various services including sophisticated analysis of intellectual property data using IP landscapes*.
* IP landscapes stands for Intellectual Property Landscape, a method used to survey and analyze intellectual properties belonging to the company and others and combine outcomes with information in the market, etc. for use as part of the company’s management strategy.

As part of principal business, our dedicated staff members provide diverse, highly specialized services and information. In addition, these staff members conduct IP activities that are closely related to the business operations of each of the sector/workplace.
Number of patents registered globally
Reinforcing dissemination of IP/intangible asset information
To respond to the requirements of the revised Corporate Governance Code of 2021, the Intellectual Property Department enhances its cooperation with different sectors across the company to provide intellectual property and intangible asset information internally and externally.
It also strives to further strength an initiative of stepping up its activity for improving the value of intellectual property and intangible assets, through dialogues with the Board of Directors.
Proper Use of Intellectual Property Rights
When formulating our business strategies and R&D strategies, we first investigate the IP rights of other companies. By acquiring and protecting the IP of new products and new technologies, we obtain advantageous positions in our existing businesses and seek to create new businesses.
We prevent from disputing any IP risks by promptly detecting and dealing with them and we take appropriate action to deal with infringements of our IP rights.
Respect for Intellectual Property as Corporate Culture
We aim to instill respect for intellectual property relating to inventions, designs, brands, etc. throughout the company and to establish this as part of our corporate culture. The Intellectual Property Department provides beginner, intermediate and advanced training for employees mainly involved in R&D-related jobs at sites in Japan to enhance employees’ IP-related skills. It also provides individual training and training on specific themes according to the needs of each division.
Inventions by Employees
Mitsui Kinzoku Group has established and applies rules for handling inventions in accordance with the Patent Act in Japan to encourage inventions by employees. Rather than inventions by employees belonging to the company, inventors receive reasonable benefits for submission of IP after filling and wage of IP after granted, etc.