Business Creation


Aim to create new business by co-creating the market

The Business Creation Sector was established in the headquarters to create new businesses through market co-creation.
We will create new markets by combining our strengths (core technologies, know-how, and sales channels) with external strengths (customers, partner companies, etc.).


Market Co-creation scheme

M Lab. - Open Innovation Website -


“If there is such a material with ideal characteristics…”, “What materials can realize our ideal technology?”, “Is there any ways to reduce costs?”.......
To whom face challenges Why don’t you consult with Mitsui Kinzoku?, We welcome even a simple task or a tough challenge.
We believe new inspiration comes from an unexpected collaboration with various companies in different business fields.Please do not hesitate to contact us.


R & D Center


“The material that forms the basis of technology. Although it is rarely seen in everyday life, many cutting-edge materials are used in products that support our comfortable lives. We are engaged in research and development to create materials with new characteristics and contribute to the development of society.
As a central organization for research and development in the Business Creation Division, the Research Institute promotes "creation of new business" and "accumulation of technology" in cooperation with each business division and Basic Evaluation Laboratory.
So far, we have created products that support Mitsui Metals' business, such as ultra-thin copper foil, thin film materials, and ultrafine powder. We will continue to strive for the creation of innovative products and firmly support the future of the Mitsui Kinzoku Group.



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