Climate Change


The conservation of the global environment is one of our most important management issues

Response to Climate Change

Mitsui Kinzoku Group considers climate as one of the most important environmental issues. We recognize that climate change and the social and economic changes surrounding it pose risks to our business. However, we also recognize that the appropriate response can lead to enhanced competitiveness and new business opportunities. Following the framework of the TCFD*1 recommendations, we analyze the medium- and long-term risks and opportunities posed by climate change, and promote activities to incorporate the results of this analysis into our business strategies. In March 2022, we also announced our support for the TCFD recommendations.
In FY2020, we participated in the support project for scenario analysis of climate risks/opportunities in line with TCFD guidance of the Ministry of the Environment of Japan. With this support, we performed a scenario analysis on the Metals Sector, which accounts for about 30% of our total sales and about 60% of our total CO2 emissions. In FY2021, TCFD scenario analysis was conducted for the copper foil business, which is the second largest emitter of CO2 after the Metals Sector, and the catalyst business, which provides exhaust gas purification catalysts for vehicles equipped with internal combustion engines. In FY2022, we completed analysis for the engineered powders business, the PVD materials business, the ceramics business and NIPPON YTTRIUM CO.,LTD. We are conducting the analysis for other businesses and will disclose the results of it in due course.

Integrated Report 2023 Occupational health and safety/Initiatives for environmental issues/Disclosure of climate-related information in line with the TCFD recommendations (0.6MB)

Carbon Neutral Initiatives

 Mitsui Kinzoku Group has energy-intensive businesses that include non-ferrous smelting and electrolytic copper foil. We recognize the impact of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from our business activities on climate change. In order to mitigate this impact on climate change, we are striving to reduce GHG emissions through thoroughgoing energy-saving activities and increased use of renewable energy.

In March 2022, we revised and announced our energy-derived CO2 emissions reduction target. We aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 38% on a global consolidated basis by FY2030 compared to FY13, and to achieve carbon neutrality (zero net emissions) by FY2050 as a long-term goal.

Medium- and Long-Term CO2 Emissions Reduction Targets for the Achievement of a Decarbonized Society

In December 2023, Mitsui Kinzoku Group formulated a transition strategy to reduce CO2 emissions by FY2030 as well as to achieve carbon neutrality by FY2050.

Transition Strategy Aimed at Achieving Carbon Neutrality

CO2・Energy Data

ESG Data Environment CO2・Energy

Energy Conservation Initiatives

Mitsui Kinzoku Group has established an Energy-Saving Committee, chaired by the Director and concurrently Chief Environmental Safety Officer, as a cross-group organization to promote energy conservation activities. In cooperation with the CSR Committee, the Energy-Saving Committee is promoting initiatives to reduce energy consumption and expand the creation of renewable energy sources to achieve our medium- and long-term goals. Based on the performance of the previous year, the committee also reviews its policies as needed and deploys them across the sites.
At each site, under the policies set by the Energy-Saving Committee, we are promoting operational improvements in manufacturing processes, introduction of the latest high-efficiency equipment, conversion to lower-carbon fuels, and introduction of LED lighting and other initiatives.
In April 2020, we established a new energy section in the Production Engineering Department at the head office as a dedicated energy organization for Mitsui Kinzoku Group. From an energy-focused perspective, the energy section identifies energy-saving opportunities at each site, provides technical examination and support to sites, and verifies reduction effects.

Energy-Saving Committee image

Energy-saving activity in Takehara Refinery, Hiroshima prefecture

Creation of Renewable Energy

Mitsui Kinzoku Group is making efforts to increase the ratio of renewable energy. In addition to the stable operation of existing hydroelectric, solar, and geothermal power generation facilities, we are also working to expand the introduction of new renewable energy facilities.
Kamioka Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd. has been operating hydroelectric power plants for about 100 years. In FY2018, it completed renewal work on 5 of its 10 hydroelectric power plants and restarted operations in FY2019 with cutting-edge facilities. In addition, we have introduced solar power generation facilities at several sites in Japan and overseas, including Hikoshima Smelting Co., Ltd. and are considering further expansion.
In order to promote the introduction of new renewable energy sources, following the policy of the Energy-Saving Committee, the energy section is sharing information with each site and supporting on-site surveys for the introduction of new renewable energy facilities.

Kanakido power plant, Kamioka Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd. image

Kanakido power plant,
Kamioka Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd.

Okuaizu Geothermal Co., Ltd. image

Okuaizu Geothermal Co., Ltd.

Solar power plant, Hikoshima Smelting Co., Ltd. image

Solar power plant, Hikoshima Smelting Co., Ltd.

Initiatives in Logistics (Scope 3)

Mitsui Kinzoku Group is also striving to reduce the amount of energy used in the transportation of raw materials and products. Specifically, we are improving loading ratios, shortening transportation routes, and promoting modal shifts. We are also working with our customers and suppliers on energy conservation, and promoting activities such as reviewing the form and frequency of delivery together with them.

Environmental Contribution Product

In order to achieve a carbon neutral society, including our operations, and to realize a recycling-based society, we recognize that it is essential to create and develop products and businesses that contribute to the reduction of environmental impact in response to the social demands. In accordance with this, we evaluate the environmental impact of our products at each stage of their life cycle from the perspective of life cycle assessment (LCA), and define products that lead to the reduction of environmental impact and mitigation of social issues as Environmental Contribution Product. In FY2020, we started to operate a system to certify the environmental contribution products in our group.

Introduction of an Internal Carbon Pricing System

In order to accelerate efforts to achieve our medium- and long-term CO2 emissions reduction targets, Mitsui Kinzoku Group will introduce an internal carbon pricing system starting April 1, 2023.

On the introduction of an internal carbon pricing system

Collaboration with Suppliers

Our Group's procurement policy consists of environmental and social items, including measures to address climate change. We request our primary suppliers to implement our procurement policy and manage their own suppliers. We also implement the supplier SAQ (self-assessment questionnaire) for important suppliers, which are selected based on a comprehensive risk assessment that includes environmental risks that incorporate climate change. The SAQ is used to evaluate the implementation of procurement policy and to provide feedback on the results. For high-risk items, we engage with suppliers to reduce risk.

Supply Chain

Participation in GX League

The GX (Green Transformation) League is a Japanese government initiative to promote GX, which has been working in earnest since FY2023. In the GX League, companies collaborate with government agencies, universities, public research institutions, and financial institutions to discuss economic and social system reform as a whole and to seek to create new markets.
Through our public private academic collaboration in the GX League, we will work with stakeholders in our value chain and participate in green markets to achieve our medium and long term CO 2 emissions reduction targets.

Collaboration with Innovation Partners

In 2020, we joined the "Challenge Zero" initiative by the Japan Business Federation and have been actively working on four specific themes. Leveraging our technologies, we are exploring collaboration with various partners through the Challenge Zero initiative.

Challenge Zero

Initiatives at External Organization

We are a member of the Japan Mining Industry Association (JMIA), an organization of non-ferrous metal mining and smelting companies. JMIA has identified five areas for action to achieve carbon neutrality in Japan by 2050, which include measures to expand the use of recyclable raw materials and measures to address medium- and long-term innovative technology issues. It also requests the Japanese government to make further progress in the development of related policies. In accordance with the association's policies, we will continue to promote initiatives while sharing information with the member companies.

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